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WOW! Wenger Starts The Mind Games Ahead Of Liverpool Game

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Arsene Wenger

While Jurgen Klopp is faced with many injuries in the Reds Arsene Wenger expects a very strong team to face his side on the upcoming Barclay’s premier league Match at Anfield.

Arsene Wenger
Arsene Wenger

Wenger expects a much known and familiar names from the Liverpool side in the upcoming match to play against Arsenal. Liverpool’s match against Exeter saw many inexperienced and new faces in the Reds.

“Yes, don’t worry, Arsene is a very good doctor – they always heal when they play against us!”- Arsene Wenger

On asking about the same, Wenger seemed confident that the injured will be healed on the day of the match. He seemed confident that the players who played against Exeter will not be playing against Arsenal.

While Klopp is struggling with the list of injuries in the Reds, Wenger’s comment may get the Liverpool fans fearing for the Reds form in the upcoming match. With Sakho and Toure  may recover enough for the match against Arsenal, there have been positive developments in the recovery of Henderson, Milner and Ibe. While some players want to be in the game Klopp will have to see if that’s the risk that the team can take or not.