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Two Players Who Could Leave Rangers In The January Transfer Window Including This Mexican Attacker

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Exit Bound? – Two Players Who Could Leave Rangers In January

Since late 2011 and early 2012, Rangers Football Club has been a one of constant change and although a very demanding fan base and media still find ridicule in their current plight, the fact is that they are in the top flight and not a million miles away from once again challenging and overtaking Celtic at the top.

The Pedro Caixinha experiment was something worth trying, but ultimately it failed and with that has to come, a change in playing personnel.

That was certainly the case in the summer when the likes of Carlos Pena, Eduardo Herrera, Fabio Cardoso, Bruno Alves, Alfredo Morelos, Daniel Candeias and Dalcio were brought in and though some have done well, they were very much in the Caixinha mould and not all might have a long-term future at the club.

Who will leave in January though when the squad goes through another mini-reshuffle? Here are two potential outgoings:

Bruno Alves

Strictly in terms of his ability on the pitch, Alves was a very good free signing and has done his bit for the club when he has turned up.

However, more than fans, all managers appreciate that a player’s impact goes a lot further than simply what they do with their own feet and in the case of Alves, the worry is still that he is/was very much loyal to the former coach.

If this is indeed the case, he may well be one player the club look to sell in the winter in order to nip in the bud any bad feeling being spread between groups of players; one led by Alves and the other led by Kenny Miller.

Eduardo Herrera

Alfredo Morelos has come in and looks like a genuine goalscorer; someone who can go on to be very popular with the fans at Ibrox, who always love a goal scorer. However, Herrera was given the same chance at the club and he hasn’t really made the same impact.

Just 2 goals in 12 appearances in Scotland does not read too well for the Mexican and so with Kenny Miller very much back on the scene and scoring goals, plus the prospect of any new coach bringing in a new striker over the winter, it would seem Herrera’s opportunities will not necessarily grow.

As a player with some sale value, Herrera may well be dumped early in order to not have a player taking up a chunk of the wage bill while delivering very little.