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Top 5 Most Improved Players (EPL) This Season: Featuring Ex-Liverpool Winger And Tottenham Stars

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The Premier League is an ever evolving league, players come in and go out faster than those visiting a mall on Christmas eve for last minute presents. Players in the Premier League have to be giving their all and doing their best to not only keep their team in the mix but to stay in the starting line-up or else they could be shipped out in the next transfer window.

With the new players coming into the league constantly, there are often a lot of players who for the fear of losing their place or by just finding the right club or right boots end up playing out of their skin and here we present the 5 most improved players in the Premier League this season.

5. James Tomkins

Last season was a dire one for West Ham United fans as they were incredibly upset by not only the position of the team but also the way they played. The team was exposed a lot last season, especially at the back but this season has been a different story, especially their defence.

James Tomkins has been at the heart of everything good at West Ham, especially the defence, there was a time when fans would be worried about just how Tomkins would be able to deal with other players, now it is the opposition that worries as to how they can deal with Tomkins.

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