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Three Players Who Could Still End Up Playing In The Premier League This Season

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Real Madrid have made some excellent purchases this summer which have gone on to strengthen their squad to a great deal. But for a squad so full of world class players, they are now facing the problem of plenty. They were already struggling to provide enough gametime to their existing bunch of players and with the new lot, the situation has worsened. This leaves the opportunity for the other clubs to woo some of the Madrid players and the English clubs are certainly trying to do so. We take a three such Madrid players who can end up playing in the Premier League this season.

Mesut Ozil

The German is one of the most attractive midfielders in the world at the moment, but the signing of Isco who has taken everyone by storm during his initial Madrid days have left the midfielder to sweat thinking about his first team opportunities. Manchester United who are in dire need of a midfielder and if reports are to believed, they have already made some enquiries about him and the latest from the rumour mills is that United have made a £43m bid for the German. Thus leaves the possibility of witnessing him plying his trade for Manchester United next season. He has the capabilities to uplift the team to a great extent and the fans would welcome the move with open arms.


Angel Di Maria

Arsenal fans are furious with Wenger for failing to make one significant signing this season, but the situation may change drastically if Wenger is able to bring the Argentine to the Emirates. There cannot be any doubt with his quality and his class, but just that he is surplus to the requirement at Madrid at the moment. Arsenal will have to pay a king’s ransom to Madrid for sealing this deal but money has never been a factor for them this term. With this one man, Wenger can satisfy the supporters as well as increase the depth of his team. However the latest news is that the winger is happy to stay at Spain and fight for his place.

Iker Casillas

It is sad to see that his name is being included in this list but such is the state of affairs at Real. The Spanish legend is just not being given an opportunity at Real at the moment. First it was Jose to bench him and now Ancelotti is following in his footsteps. This has opened the gates for Manchester City to get him as the form of Joe Hart is actually hurting the side. It would not be easy to convince the shotstopper to join the Manchester side, but if they can pull this is off, it will be a victorious moment for them.

P.S: All the above said are purely fictional and the players will most probably end up staying at Madrid.