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Here Are Three Like To Like Replacements Chelsea Should Look To Sign If Diego Costa Leaves The Club

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costa conte

There is no doubt about the impressive season Chelsea is having under the lead of Antonio Conte, but behind all that great image of the Blues, there are some issues that need to be fixed if Chelsea wants to win Premier League this season.

However, getting along is not a requirement to win a trophy, but you can definitely say things work better when there are some camaraderies between teammates.

It seems like Chelsea has some things to settle before losing the great shape they are having during this season. As soon as he arrived, Conte made big changes in Chelsea, and those changes are the responsible of this team leading the Premier League table with some difference regarding their chasers.

Conte has been interested in signing some big figures in order to lock of his Chelsea team for the rest of the season, and now adding to those rumours, there are new ones about the departure of Diego Costa, one of the referents of the team right now. Costa is reportedly having troubles with the Italian boss and that would mark the end of his stay in Stamford Bridge.

Now, knowing that Costa solved a lot of games for Chelsea with a spectacular play, he will be someone hard to replace, and more having in count the kind of striker that Chelsea likes; players who can fight with defenders and make real damage in rival’s defences, like Didier Drogba used to do back in his days at the Bridge.

However that is not the style of Conte, Chelsea will surely try to sign a striker with similar characteristics to Costa. Therefore, we have some options that Chelsea might be interested in. These are three strikers Chelsea should look for if Costa leaves.

Andrea Belotti

Image result for Andrea Belotti 2016-17

This Italian wonder kid has caught the eye of several European giants, and even if they’ve rejected a huge bid from Arsenal, it doesn’t mean that a big check from Roman Abramovich won’t help them change their mind. Belotti is extremely talented and an outstanding finisher despite his youth, and he should definitely be pursued by the blues.