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The Premier League Could Be Going Down Under

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Yes, you heard right. The Premier League may be played in Perth! Due to coronavirus numbers increasing rather dramatically every day within the UK, one of the solutions suggested to project management is to hold off the season within the UK and get the players to travel to the land down under! 

The English agent Williams is the proxy between the UK and Australia, as he lives in Perth and has been in contact with both government authority representatives that work alongside the Premier League teams, so the idea of holding the rest of the Premier League has been passed on to the right parties and awaiting a decision in regard to the temporary move.

Despite the coronavirus, you can still get all the latest updates of matches and odds first hand from Sportsbet, which hosts betting opportunities for all the Premier League.

Yahoo News have reported that Williams has really tried to push the idea forward as he believes that the premier league will benefit greatly, especially as the weather is much nicer currently in Australia, then it is in the UK. It could make for some really great gameplay, as the weather in the UK is definitely taking a turn for the worst after all. It is definitely not summertime anymore. 

Australia’s current government restrictions have very much lifted and coronavirus numbers have been managed very well, which is not something we can currently say for the condition of the UK at the moment. There would be a possibility to host the matches with a small audience, due to the very low rate of infection in Australia.

Of course, this will still mean a much smaller capacity. However, this could mean that players will have an extra source of moral support, which definitely should lift their spirits as they play. It is something that has been missing from football gameplay for a while-the fans love.

All teams would be based across different hotels in Perth, meaning they will not mix and of course try and maximise as much distance as possible in the process. All the TV coverage that would be hosted, will still suit the UK viewers too, so they would not feel like they are missing out at all, everything will remain unchanged in that aspect.

Players would only need to be tested when they arrive and when they leave, as testing is not a vigorous process within Australia, as it is in the UK currently. Yet, people still remained very worried about the idea of hosting the football matches abroad.

Sky Sports have quoted that this may cause more harm than good at this point. Glenn Sterle, the senator for Perth, mentioned how there may be concerns for quick spread of the virus, should they introduce large numbers of fans, so this is an issue they will need to assess before the plan comes into action.

Despite the concerns, he is very eager to see this plan be made into action, as it is definitely something that would provide entertainment to fellow Australians, after a stressful period of time. 

Currently, not all teams are in favour, but the majority are. They like the idea of being able to play in warmer climates, rather than the UK’s same old wet climate, within autumnal seasons.