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The Day I Dreaded – Sir Alex I will miss you

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It has finally happened. The day I have dreaded in the past few years and it has come most unexpectedly. Sir Alex Ferguson retires. Well, I bet you already knew that and if you didn’t then you’re not a part of this world. I say this because this news is reverberating all over the world. EVERYWHERE. This won’t be telling everyone how great the man is from a writer’s opinion. This is about me and my team. The manager I have grew up watching. The manager who is the greatest.

Fergie worried about midfield

Seeing him in the dugout was a treat and his celebrations were epic. He is the perfect manager United could’ve asked for to get to the heights they are at now. United have been consistent and that man has made men out of kids and legends out of players. He had the support of the staff and players and fans. He earned it. For me, personally I am not thinking about who is going to replace him cause the feeling hasn’t sunk in yet. Just cannot imagine anyone else in the dugout shouting at players and giving them looks enough to shit their shorts. It makes me sad just to know that Sir Alex won’t be cracking jokes about Jonny Evans’s marriage at a press conference.

This lone memory is enough to bring tears , let alone the countless memories he has given me. I started watching football as a kid and became a Manchester United fan. Well, a Manchester United fan that has seen his best players leave, shouted at , made to sat on the bench etc. by just one MAN! THE MAN! Sir Alex Ferguson. Just watching him on the television made me scared, I always wondered how the players felt. The reaction this news has got is enough to sum up what an amazing man we have witnessed and I consider myself lucky to have seen him coach United to heights that I don’t think any manager would do for any other club. He has taught me football, the way it is supposed to be played. He has risen to challenges and shown us the determination and drive he has. This inspires me and I bet it does so for many others. 38 trophies is no joke and he built this club with a vision and he did what he said . Sir Alex Ferguson, you will never be replaced and it is an honour that I was able to watch him as the manager of Manchester United football club. The way he carried himself and the way he handled the media, the aura around him is unparalleled. Fickle managers like Mancini and Benitez won’t ever get close to achieving such an aura. But this is not about slating them, just pointing out a fact. He is Manchester United and well one can convince themselves by saying that United are bigger than one man. Well, it is true but this will take time and will need support from everyone –  Players, Staff, Fans, Management.

I request all Manchester United fans to pay their respect to the greatest manager of all time and not slate the new manager and support him. That poor bastard has big shoes to fill. Don’t make him trip right away. I am happy that Sir Alex Ferguson is staying associated with the club and there are so many things that I want to write but can’t. There is a feeling of numbness and shock still. I mean, I always thought he’d go on forever. At least 56 more titles and 45 more Champions League trophies. Maybe all of our kids would’ve seen him coach too. This did not just happen. Every United fan is in shock, the same as me. But if anyone deserves a good, nice long retirement holiday, it is Sir Alexander Chapman Ferguson ( The Great Elder ) .

26 years he has loved United like his own child and made this club into a great club. No one can raise a question as to why he did it now. He has given this club everything and we , as fans should respect that. His titles winning celebrations, quotes, his disappointing faces, the speches, everything will be missed. I cannot imagine anyone sitting in the dugout. I don’t think even players or staff can. It is a very emotional moment for everyone, not just United fans, but football in general. He was respected by all, loved by most, hated and despised for being great. One cannot undermine him in any way. He has paved way for so many individuals, and touched lives of so many people in ways he shall never know. I , only started blogging and writing because of my love for the game and the passion I have for Manchester United and it is because of this man, he instills such passion among the supporters. This Sunday, when United host Swansea at Old Trafford. The Sir Alex Ferguson stand will have a new meaning, the evening would be more than just about the trophy. To some, the trophy wouldn’t even matter now.

Sir Alex Ferguson shouting

The stadium will cry, I will cry. CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM NOT BEING THERE? I still cannot get over it. How did this day come? I knew it would some day, but not now. He single handedly won back the title, all credit to the players, but Sir Alex Ferguson really got his players together and made them Champions as he has over the years.

An average team considered by many, as compared to the talents of any European Giants, and City or Chelsea. He fucking won it with 4 games spare. He really wanted the Champions League crown or at least a fair shot at it. His tactics were absolutely brilliant against Real Madrid. He gave it his all this time like every season. It has been a privilege to see the genius at work. The thing is United won’t stop, he won’t let it. He shall still take care of our beloved club. It is no wonder that when he told the players he broke down and so did the players. The level of respect and emotion he commands is not to be seen anywhere else. The footballing community will miss him. I will miss him. So will you. Admit it, you will. He got us the first title after 26 years of waiting and he is leaving us after 26 years. Here he retires, and pathetic rival fans jump. Well, it is a compliment to the man itself.

Lost for words. I don’t think anyone can ever replace him in my eyes, but the club must move on. We shall stick together and get some more silverware. I always think that United players must be instilled with a mindset, that they should know the history of the club and should play so that Sir Matt Busby is smiling from above. So now, play so that Sir Alex Ferguson smiles from the Director’s Box while drinking his wine and being all classy. I wish I can meet him someday to thank him for what he has done.

A dream that may never be fulfilled, but I hope whoever reads this understands what this means to the footballing world and specially to Manchester United as a club and its fans. In other news, Ryan Giggs outlasted Sir Alex Ferguson. Something isn’t it? Well, from here on out, it will be an entirely new Manchester United.

New manager, Chief Executive, new faces in the Coaching staff, new players etc. One should not get disheartened, we will go on and become stronger. It is one thing that Sir Alex Ferguson has always shown us. We do not retreat. Give the new manager some time and get behind the team.  I always thought there was still more to the Fergie Wonderland , maybe I was being greedy.

Thank you Sir. You will always be the greatest manager United will have, all respect to Sir Matt and the future managers. Sir Alex , please do a Scholes and come back. I still hope to see you at the dug out and poke fun at the stupid reporters. Last but not the least, Thank you again! You are the spirit of Manchester United and I hope the new manager embodies it in him.

Football, bloody hell!

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