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Southampton Vs Arsenal – Player Ratings + Highlights

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After scoring 7 past Newcastle, Arsenal could not score the winning goal against a spirited Southampton side who took the game to the Gunners and almost snatched 3 points from the game. It was a well earned point for the Saints and two important points lost by Arsenal who have a tough January ahead of them as they have to face Chelsea, Manchester City and Liverpool. 

Szczesny He had to be the best player, apart from the goal he left which was a tough one to save. Szczesny gave a spirited performance and made some decent stops. He managed to hold on the aerial threat posed by the Saints and was comfortable clearing his lines. 7/10

Sagna From bad to worse for Sagna. Is he losing his concentration ? Made some basic errors which could have been avoided. The goal by Southampton was partly because of the poor clearance he made. His Passing and crossing has also gone down a notch. 5/10

Koscielny Had an average match. Looked steady to tackle Lambert’s threat but had his fare share of defensive blunders. He was completely out of position along with Vermaelen when Soton scored their goal. 6/10

Vermaelen The captain Quietly got on with his job but could have done more. 6/10

Gibbs As always the left-back steered forward with ease. It’s his defending that looks messy at times. Wasted a great chance to score a goal which he decided to pass ending up with nothing 6.5/10

Arteta Calm, composed as always. His creativity has almost gone with his new role, but the Spaniard is doing a good job in maintaing his duty as a holding midfielder. 6.5/10

Wilshere An average performance after a long time or the Southampton player closed him down throughout the match. Either way he was below his usual high standards. May be the tight schedule made the youngster tire. 6/10

Cazorla It looks like Arsenal struggle when Cazorla struggle. That has been the story of the season so far. His passing was disappointing and he just couldn’t get going with his usual connectivity with Wilshere and Podolski. 5/10

Podolski Barely touched the ball. Really needs to get himself on the ball more in games such as these. Subbed early in the second half. 5/10

Chamberlain Made an effort to show attacking threats but failed to cope with the young left back Luke shaw who kept a check mate on OX all through the match. 6/10

Walcott Apart from his dangerous in swinging cross which lead to an Arsenal goal, was not visible in the pitch. 5.5/10

Watch the highlights here:

[youtube width=”500″ height=”300″]gOOmSjBi7S0[/youtube]