Home » Off The Pitch » PES 2014 News: Jon Murphy Explains Why They Are Not Into NextGen Consoles Yet

PES 2014 News: Jon Murphy Explains Why They Are Not Into NextGen Consoles Yet

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No football season is complete without playing Fifa or Pro Evolution Soccer. After losing the battle for past few years, PES are showing signs of improvement to gain back their throne. We all know PES 2014 runs on a modified fox engine. But the game will not be released for next gen consoles (Xbox one and PS4).

Konami’s European PES Team Leader Jon Murphy explains the reasons behind for canceling out their next gen adventures. In a community day event, Jon Murphy said,

“We’re kind of damned if we do and damned if we don’t. I think we’re in a slightly different position [to FIFA], because we’ve been criticised in the past about producing a ‘next gen’ version when we weren’t ready.

“Perhaps we’re in a slightly different position to another company in that sense. We can’t get away with producing a version that isn’t absolutely shit-hot on next generation.

“I think we want to be confident when we do bring something out and not in a position where people are criticising us for producing a sloppy, second rate port. We’re going to produce something that puts us back to where we should be in terms of quality”.

PES Marketing Producer Manorito Hosoda also shared his thoughts on this,

“We’re not sure how quickly the uptake of the next generation will go. The fan base is with the current gen, and before moving on we want to make a good game with the new engine.”


We will leave you guys with a PES 2014 video about its new features,