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Opinion: 3 Ways How Manchester United Can Manage Without Rooney

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Wayne Rooney

Wayne Rooney’s time for Manchester United could be coming to an end with the striker being injured for quite a while this season. It isn’t just that, his age isn’t on his side either and the way he has performed for the club, he probably won’t be playing a lot of games in the coming season either.

Manchester United did have an apparent interest from a Chinese Super League club to sign Rooney but that didn’t take place up to now but it could take place in the future and that would be great news for Rooney and United.

Wayne Rooney
Wayne Rooney

Rooney would get a bumper pay deal to end his career and Manchester United would get a bucket load of cash for the English striker, not only that China would also be able to attract more followers for their league.

The question that would arise is what would be the case of Manchester United; here we look at three ways as to how United would manage without having the English captain in the side.

  1. Money for a new striker

No player is bigger than the club is what they say and Manchester United are probably the biggest club in England at the moment, even after they have struggled since Alex Ferguson left the club.

Wayne Rooney might be sold for big bucks but even if he isn’t, Manchester United will be spending a lot of money to get a new striker in. There have been talks about getting the Borussia Dortmund striker Aubameyang into the side and that could be a great way to get United firing all over again.