Here is a round-up of this week’s crazy stuff across the footballing world.
Its been a while since we saw a pathetic advert starring footballers and Messi comes up with one such advert for Herbal life. We have been covering a long line of awful advertisements involving football players and the latest advert features Barcelona’s superstar Lionel Messi playing cricket.
Watch the video here:
[youtube width=”500″ height=”300″]lW92dxKHBj8[/youtube]
I assume that other bloke is a famous cricketer, but my knowledge of cricket wouldn’t fill up the back of a stamp so I have no idea. This wasn’t a bad advert by any means (it wasn’t good either) until the very end, but that cheesy ‘take a drink and turn to the camera’ ending made me want to die.
The actual video was released quite a while ago and I am amazed as to how we missed it.
A Weasel interrupted a match in Swiss league:
The match between FC Thun and FC Zurich in a Swiss Super League encounter last weekend had a brief stoppage, as a weasel ran onto the pitch. Several players and stewards tried to catch it, but it was too quick them and went for a little cameo in the middle of the park.
Zurich left-back Loris Benito caught the weasel first, but it bit his hand and eventually got away. Shortly after, goalkeeper David Da Costa caught it and his gloves provided adequate protection from bites while he removed it from the pitch.
[youtube width=”500″ height=”300″]GgO-pQBo68w[/youtube]