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Manchester United Legend Defends the Club’s Decision to Hire David Moyes

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Sir Alex Ferguson

In a shocking revelation now, Sir Alex Ferguson has stated that Premier League giants Manchester United did not make a mistake in hiring David Moyes as his successor. The former Red Devils’ boss defended the appointment of the ex-Everton boss, who was sacked after spending just eight months at Old Trafford in the managerial role. In his documentary ‘Secrets of Success’, to be screened on BBC One on Sunday, the claims have been made by the Scot.

Sir Alex Ferguson
Sir Alex Ferguson

He told BBC’s Nick Robinson, who presents the documentary, “We did the best under the circumstances we were in. We picked the right man. I don’t think we made a mistake at all. I think we chose a good football man. Unfortunately it didn’t work for David. Jose Mourinho was going back to Chelsea, Carlo Ancelotti was going to Real Madrid, Jurgen Klopp had signed a contract with Dortmund, Louis van Gaal was staying with Holland for the World Cup.”

Talking about the option of signing Pep Guardiola, he added, “I was just trying to think way ahead. But I didn’t get any answer and then he goes to Bayern Munich. We’d like to have spoken to many managers because that’s a process. We’d like to have asked them what they felt about leaving a big club to go to a bigger club – to come to Manchester United. It wasn’t there for us.”

Also, club legend Ryan Giggs was an option for United and he further stated, “If Ryan Giggs had retired at, say, 35, it is quite likely I’d have made him my assistant. And quite likely he could have moved right into the job as he is doing with Louis van Gaal at the moment. But I would never ask a player to quit.”

Also, denying that he was solely responsible for the appointment of Moyes, he concluded, “Do you honestly believe one man could decide the future of Manchester United? It’s nonsense. There was a good process. They’re a professional football club – they know what they’re doing – the Glazers and David Gill.”

Further, Ferguson also rejected the opinion that Moyes inherited a sub-standard squad from him and concluded, “There’s this continual thing about ‘we left an old team’ and all that nonsense. It’s unbelievable. We won the league by 11 points.”