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Manchester United: Three Reasons Why Ryan Giggs Should Be The Next Manager

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The legendary Ryan Giggs
The legendary Ryan Giggs

One of the wonder kids of Fergie’s tenure in Old Trafford was none other than the Welsh winger-turned-midfielder Ryan Giggs. Serving the Red Devils at a stretch for 23 long years, he now wants to establish himself as a coaching wizard in Old Trafford.

Giggs, who will complete his UEFA coaching license next summer, has been voracious for his desire to follow the footsteps of his legendary Scott manager.

When the likes of Scholes, Beckham, Owen bid adieu to the game, Giggs is still out there, never thinking about hanging his boots. The desire and the discipline behind the Welsh man is the sole reason for his illustrious career, which will obviously be the case when it comes to managing, and in fact don’t be surprised if he serves the Red Devils more than what Ferguson did. Here follows the reason why Giggs will bloom as a coach, and eventually become a manager in top-flight club football.

Sense of Adaptation:

Giggs has always appeared in more than 30 matches per season. But as he became old, the fleeting left winger has slowly metamorphosed himself into a play-making midfielder. This sense of adapting himself in order to get the best of performance will help him as a coach. As one of his important task will be to get the finest of performance from a wide range of versatile players in a renowned club like Manchester united.

Seriousness about Coaching:

Giggs has been pursuing his coaching badges for a while now. “It’s no secret that I have been taking my qualifications and I see this as the first step in my future career,” United’s official website quoted him saying. And you can be pretty sure Giggs is not a player who will capitalise to earn money in his new role and he will be there to make an impression, off the field.

Vital role to play in the transition time:

Manchester United are in a transition period, as the legendary Sir Alex Ferguson has retired and is replaced by David Moyes. Being associated with the club since his teenage, Giggs knows the club better than he knows himself. Though Daivd Moyes is considered to be a good replacement, but there will certainly be odd jerks to deal with. If such situation arises, Giggs will help smoothen the process as a link between the club’s illustrious recent past and a future.

“I hope I will be able to bring my experience to bear,” Giggs told the club’s official website, “having been both a player and part of the Manchester United family for so long.”

So, every football fan, irrespective of the clubs they support, will be eager to see what this legendary left winger comes up with.