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Liverpool Latest: Update On Martin Skrtel + What Would Kolo Toure Bring To The Merseyside?

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Liverpool have showed their intent very early this year and have already made their first official signing for the next season. As a replacement of Jamie Carragher, Liverpool have agreed a deal with Manchester City defender Kolo Toure, who is due to join the squad on 1st July.

Kolo Toure first burst into the English football as an Arsenal player in 2002, whom Wenger brought in from ASEC Mimosas. Although he was first used as a full back by Wenger, but soon he was developed into a centre back. He was one of the pillars of the defence in the famous Invincible squad of the Gunners in the 2003-04 season and went on to become one most of the most admired defenders of the league.

In his seven seasons with Arsenal, the Ivorian became one of the most important members of the squad and engraved his name in the most formidable centre-backs list. Therefore when Manchester City received the kind of money they did from their new owners, they quickly placed a bid for Toure which became too tempting for Arsenal to refuse and finally Toure shifted to the blue half of Manchester in 2009.

He was instantly made the club captain and asked to provide the leadership in the defence. But soon he came down the pecking order and his gametime time reduced which prompted City not to renew his contract beyond this season.

Liverpool grasped this opportunity and signed him for free, a great business conducted by the club if the overall picture is considered. They cannot afford to spend the kind of money they would have ideally liked and thus a free agent is always a boon for the club. The 32 year old, who has played more than 300 league games in England, still has some years of football left in him and Toure can be ideal to provide the necessary leadership and the experience to the defence in the post Carragher era.

Although Toure cannot be a long term solution for the club, but still if three years of top football can be extracted from him, the manager and the club would consider his signing a job well done.

Skrtel extends Anfield stay

In other news, Slovakian ace Martin Skrtel, who endured a tough season at Anfield has dropped a hint of leaving the Merseyside if the right offer comes calling.

He was reported as saying:

“It was one of the worst seasons in my career and certainly the worst during my time at Liverpool. Obviously I was not happy, it bugged me. I have not had any specific offers but if some should come and they interest me, I would probably consider it seriously.” Skrtel told Slovakian Newspaper.

Although Carragher has retired and the continued poor performances from youngster Sebastian Coates, pointed that Skrtel could get another chance with the first team next term, the transfer of Kolo Toure suggests that Rodgers have seemingly lost interest in the Slovakian.

“The club has the biggest say in this in any case, because they have the right for it with me being contracted. Besides, I am not saying that I want to leave at any cost. I feel sorry for what happened in this season.”