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German Coach Loew Apologizes To Defender Marcel Schmelzer

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Joachim Loew, Germany’s national coach has been criticized for playing Borussia Dortmund defender Marcel Schmelzer despite his poor form and things got worse when Loew openly blasted the Left back for his poor outing with the national team, suggesting that he could be dropped if another team-mate looks ready to take his place.

“Schmelzer did not have a good game (against Austria). Many of the alternatives are not ready, we have to keep working with Schmelzer for the next two, three, four or five months,” Loew told reporters.

Joachim Loew apologizes to defender Schmelzer

However, after the 6-1 win over the Republic of Ireland, Loew has retracted those comments and says he has personally apologised to the Dortmund player.

Loew said: “I’ve looked at everything I said again and have to admit I have come across very harsh. I have apologised to him (Schmelzer) for this.”

The Germany boss beleives that it is important for his team to have a good strength in the bench and the next opponents Sweden must not be taken lightly.

“There’s always a time where you have an Iniesta on the bench, a Torres or a Villa. You need a strong bench, it also has to be noted that Sweden are a team with a lot of organisation and are very, very strong.” Low issued a statement which said: “Over a long period of time, Marcel Schmelzer has played very well for Borussia Dortmund. “In the recent friendly against Argentina in August, Marcel Schmelzer was outstanding. Therefore he absolutely belongs in the national team… I still have a lot of trust in his abilities.”

The Schmelzer incident has added to recent controversies about spirit in the national team camp.

Last week, Bayern Munich player Bastian Schweinsteiger admitted that the spirit within Munich’s camp is greater than the one within the National team as the squad seemed to be more happier in the local team.

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