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Former England Boss Bashes Chelsea Manager Jose Mourinho

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Jose Mourinho

Right now is not the best time to be Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho, as the world is currently attacking him, it would seem. Recently, it was former England manager Fabio Capello who heavily criticized the under-fire Blues’ manager and accused him of mentally exhausting his player, which was the reason for the poor set of results that they were delivering.

Jose Mourinho
Jose Mourinho

The Premier League champs have had a pathetic start to the new campaign and the players and fans might have already lost hope of retaining their league title. The former England manager stated that he was not surprised by Chelsea’s troubles, claiming the Portuguese was not able to sustain longevity at a club, as he mentally exhausts his players within 18 months.

He said, “Mourinho is a great coach but burns out his players after a year and a half, at most two years. I had already heard it when he was at Real Madrid and now we have confirmation in London. The cycles of Mourinho last more or less this time. His men are mentally no longer able to give what he wants. Branislav Ivanovic is not himself and the loss of goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois is a serious one because with him Chelsea would not have let in a lot of the goals they have conceded. But there have also been tactical errors from the coach, who this season is not preparing for matches very well. The team does not have rhythm. It is lacking malice and aggression.