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Can Eddie Howe Succeed Arsene Wenger’s Legacy?

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Arsene Wenger

Arsenal has enjoyed a large amount of relative success under Arsene Wenger. The stability which the French tactician has managed to provide the Gunners in his tenure thus far is quite astonishing.


Arsenal’s consistency in qualifying for the Champions League has helped shape the club’s stature and status, but their inability to go all the way and actually win the competition underlines the inconsistency of Wenger’s methods.

Arsenal supporters have made a habit of scrutinising Wenger, for his unwillingness to make big investments on quality players in the transfer window, as well as his inability to get results in major competitions.

Regardless of Wenger’s unpopularity amongst some sets of Arsenal fans, he’s still regarded as an all-time great in the Premier League and beyond.

By the looks of things, Wenger won’t be the man at the helm for much longer. A new manager could emerge within the next two or three years and the media have not wasted any time in speculating on candidates for the prestigious Arsenal role.

A name that has sprung up quite casually in media discussions about Arsenal’s next manager is none other than Eddie Howe. The Bournemouth boss has been lauded for his brilliant work with the Cherries having led them to the Premier League last season.

There is evidently some sort of hype around managers who enjoy relative success with their teams based on the club’s expectations and budgets. Last season Howe was lauded by many to be a future England boss.

The media’s trend of putting the expectations on the managers has been existent in the English top flight for a number of years now, but more often than not the media’s attention is focused on the players rather than the managers.

Howe’s rise to the Premier League is what attracted the interest of Journalists and pundits alike last season, although it’s fair to say that Bournemouth’s story was overshadowed by Leicester’s surprise title win.

Howe has been known to adopt a direct attacking approach with Bournemouth which in turn sees his team go toe to toe against top teams in the League attacking wise. It’s worth noting that Bournemouth has a tendency to falter against the bigger sides.

Losing by a massive scoreline against the likes of Manchester City is more or less expected from a team like Bournemouth, but Howe managed to reduce occurrences like that last season, while also pulling off surprise wins against Chelsea and Manchester United.

The English tactician also seems to have gotten his team back on track following a win against Everton last weekend.

Howe has proven himself to be a bright young manager with the will, zeal, and ability to succeed at the highest level.

Having brought about relative success to Bournemouth with a limited budget, the gaffer will undoubtedly be able to take Arsenal to the pinnacle of English football.

With a huge budget at his disposal, Howe would be able to acquire top players and utilise them in line with his attacking philosophy in a similar manner as Arsene Wenger.

Wenger brought about a wind of change at Arsenal. The move from Highbury to the Emirates Stadium was handled quite expertly by the French tactician.

Wenger rallied the troops and got the team to its best which is why the transition to the Emirates was quite successful.

Arsene is known for his player management skills as well as his ability to handle the media. Eddie Howe is quite similar to Wenger on that front.

Howe is similar to Wenger in many ways. Their similarities make Howe a perfect fit for the Arsenal role. One major issue, though, is the mode at which Howe would buy players can’t be determined at this stage.

While some uncertainties surround Howe’s potential as Arsenal’s next boss, the Englishman appears to be one of the best candidates for the role at the moment.

He could come up against Arsenal legend Thierry Henry who the fans will be keen on having at the club.

Henry had a stellar career with the Gunners and he has also been talked about regarding Arsenal’s managerial position.

As things stand, Wenger is still the man at the helm, but all that could change in a matter of time, and on that note, Howe or Henry could be waiting in the wings to take over.


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