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Arsenal Vs West Ham – Player Ratings + Highlights

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Arsenal scored 5 past West Ham to pick up their first 3 points in the league this year. Class, composure, beautiful are not enough words to describe their performance last night. However the big question lies if they will continue to show this form next week. Consistency, the one thing Arsenal lacks.

The player ratings:

Szczesny – Apart from Collison’s goal that he let in and a few dangerous set pieces, Szczesny had nothing much to do and was completely left alone in the the second half 7/10.

Sagna – Same as Szczesny, was not tested to his abilities. Had a decent game going forward and defending as well  7/10.

Mertesacker – The German had a rather difficult night dealing with the impending physical presence of Carlton Cole. Lost the aerial duels with West Ham forward and made some wayward passing early on. Needs to get back his concentration. 6.5/10.

Vermaelen – Got himself injured when tying to clear the ball which was heading for the goal. Ramsey cleared ball before the Belgian and clipped his team mate’s ankle leaving him unavailable for Saturday’s game. 6.5/10.

Gibbs – Matches like these are just a piece of cake for the Arsenal and England left back. Looked threatening every-time he drove forward with the ball and his link-up play with Podolski has always been excellent 7.5/10.

Wilshere – Was again the in the thick of things. His forward runs and vision to find an inch extra space to pass the ball to his team mates is what makes him a special 7.5/10.

Ramsey – The Welsh man made a rare start yesterday and though he was not directly involved with any of the 5 goals Arsenal scored, he was instrumental in the build up’s to it. Has to improve his pace and dribbling skills to get more game time. On a whole a good performance from Ramsey 7.5/10.

Cazorla – Got in the score sheet with a cheeky finish but should have scored again from his brilliant free kick which was denied by the West Ham goal keeper. Looked excellent on the ball and linked up well all over the pitch 7.5/10.

Walcott – Seems to be getting consistent with each game. Constantly eased his way through his maker throughout the games but was not able to provide any telling crosses to thraten West Ham’s goal. Got on the score sheet thanks to some excellent work from Podolski. Overall had a great game 8/10.

Podolski – A hat-trick of assists and a thunderous equalising goal means the German International was the man of the match. Looked lively through the time he was in the field 8.5/10.

Giroud – The French man got to double figures with yesterday’s brace. Two lovely goals and some good link-up play will do a world of confidence for Giroud 8/10.

Here are the match highlights:

[youtube width=”500″ height=”300″]w9DAQ5AEwuM[/youtube]



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