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Arsenal Transfers – Former Gunner Confident About New Signings

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Just at a time when all the supporters and the fans doubted Arsenal’s intention to spend money in the transfer window, a former Gunner has kept his faith on the club.

Martin Keown has stated that the club is ready to spend the money, provided the right player comes the club’s way. He mentioned that Arsenal’s bid for Suarez validated their intention to spend big this season.

“It was a demonstration to Arsenal fans.The club were saying ‘We have £40million there. We have tried to buy someone else’s best player for a change’. It has shown how serious Arsenal are about spending money. In the past, Arsene has nurtured them, then lost them just when they are at their best, as was the case with Samir Nasri, Cesc Fabregas and Robin van Persie. Now he needs to go out and buy an obvious talent, someone who is going to hit the ground running. And they don’t come cheap. Fair play to Liverpool for hanging on to Suarez but Arsenal still need to buy two or three players. If they do, I think there is a real chance.”, Keown stated.

So far Arsene Wenger has badly wanted Luis Suarez in his team, but Liverpool have remained adamant about not selling Suarez. They have already lost Huguain to Napoli and must cling on to the hopes of bringing in Suarez. Although it now looks that the chances of transferring in Suarez are meagre, but still 15 days in the transfer window is a lot of time.

On the other hand, BBC has mentioned that the news about Suarez wanting to stay at Liverpool and sign a new contract is not absolutely true. After Uruguay’s match against Japan, Suarez has reportedly stated that he has not made any such comments highlighting his wish to stay at the Merseyside club. If the latest reports are anything to go by, the Suarez saga is nowhere near completion and Arsenal must still hope to get the player.

Elsewhere, Dailystar reports that Arsenal chasing Schalke right-back Atsuto Uchida. The club have reopened contract talks with Right-Back Bacary Sagna, but are wary of being caught short during the season, with only Carl Jenkinson being seen as the only viable first team alternative

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