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Arsenal Latest Including: Former Captain Shocked With Ozil’s Arrival And A Phone Call That Decided His Future

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Former Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas has revelaed that he was shocked that Arsenal have snapped up Real Madrid’s second best player in the final minutes of the deadline day.

Quoted by Skysports, The Spain midfielder, who spent eight years at Arsenal before returning to Barcelona in 2011, feels the Gunners have got themselves a top player.

He told Spanish radio station Cadena Cope: “I was really surprised by Ozil’s departure. He seemed to me the second-best player at Madrid, after Cristiano (Ronaldo).

“He’ll be great for Arsenal.”

Arsenal have pulled off the biggest surprise of the transfer window by roping in Mesut Ozil from Real Madrid for a fee of £42.5m. Real’s purchase of Bale made way for Arsenal to sign Ozil and Wenger grasped the opportunity with both hands. But many were a bit surprised with this decision of Ozil to join a club that had not been in the running for the championship for quite some time now. But now Ozil has come forward and mentioned that it just took one phone call from manager Wenger to convince the German to join the Gunners.

“At the weekend, I was certain that I would stay at Real Madrid but afterwards I realised that I did not have the faith from the coach or the bosses,” said the star playmaker. “I am a player who needs this faith. Wenger gives me the faith and I can develop further. I know what I can do and I know that I could make the grade with any club in the world because I am so convinced in myself.”

Fans are still in a state of awe with the signature of Ozil and now huge amount of aspirations lie on his shoulders. Mourinho has hailed him to be one of the most perfect player and has even stated that he could not loan Ba to Arsenal as that would make them the title contenders after the acquisition of Ozil.

While one of Wenger’s deadline signature has the most vital role to play to steer the club to the great heights, another of his new players wants a starting role for himself at the club. Emiliano Viviano, who joined Arsenal as a backup to current goalkeeper Wojciech Szczęsny and it is believed that his role would mainly be to strengthen the squad. But the shotstopper insists that he would contemplate a starting berth for himself and compete with the current keepers for that berth.

“I think it’s a good thing that there are other great goalkeepers here,” said Viviano. “It’s positive competition. I know that [Lukasz] Fabianski was a bit unlucky with injuries, while [Wojciech] Szczesny is a great goalkeeper. I’ll work to compete with them. Arsenal is a dream for me, it was an easy choice to come here. They’re one of the biggest clubs in Europe, with a great history and a great coach. It’s special and I’m happy.”

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