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18 Goals In 26 Games: The Rise Of Harry Kane; How Arsenal Missed This Guy? No One Knows

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Analysing The Rise Of Harry Kane

If we were to ask who is the one player who will make a difference at Tottenham this season, no one would have had the answer, especially with players still not being able to gel together after the crazy amount of money spent a couple of seasons ago. A few might have suggested Erik Lamela or Christian Eriksen but no one in their right mind would have said Harry Kane would be the one player making the difference for the team.

Granted quite a few Tottenham supporters were asking for Kane to join the first team and be given chances last season but it is always a risk to bring a youngster into a team that has more established and star players.

The young and the bold

Kane is just 21 years old and has been a sort of journey man for Tottenham, although he has been on the books at the London club since the start of his football career, Kane has been sent on various loan deals to clubs like Leyton Orient, Millwall, Norwich City and Leicester City. The loan deals seem to have helped him grow into a more rounded player.

Kane never seemed to be a prolific scorer during his time at the loaned clubs; in fact he never reached double figures for any of his clubs. His best return was 9 goals in 27 games for Millwall, that is a return of 1 goal every 3 games. That is not a great return for any striker, every striker looks to keep a goal ratio of one goal every two games but this was still in his learning phase and it seems he picked up a lot.

He scored 4 goals in 19 appearances for Spurs last season and this season he has been on fire for the Spurs. His goal, a deflected one against Aston Villa to give the team a 2-1 win in the 90th minute cemented his place in the team. Kane had already scored a hat trick in the Europa League and this last minute winner was a nail in the coffin for strikers Soldado and Adebayor.

The English striker then turned it up against Chelsea when he was on fire for the club as he scored a couple of goals and made life really difficult for the Chelsea defence. It seemed that Chelsea were blown away by a Harry-Kane, sorry about that, had to put it in.

Kane can do it all, he can head the ball, dribble well, score from outside the box, has lots of energy and is willing to close down the defence, a throwback to the old strikers of the yesteryears who weren’t afraid to play with a bit of physicality and love for the game.

The 21 year old has scored 18 goals in just 26 appearances and it seems that he can do no wrong, the funny bit from all this was that Arsenal had a chance to sign the youngster early on in his career, quite how Arsene missed this coup, no one knows.

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